Simplicity At It's Best!!

I used to live in an area in Florida called south side, but I like to call it Church Street, sense that was the street where I was staying. On the other hand people at school and round the rest of the town called it the “black side of town”.   The place was at first a sort of poetic town where cows where eating grass and land was large and never ending. I was around 12 years old when I moved there. This was a delicate time of life, moving from many different cities and now I was here in the middle of nowhere. This though was a chance to start to learn about myself, for the most part it was a simple time. I have to say reflecting on the time now it baffles me how much humbleness was within myself.

That time truly showed me what it meant to be yourself, it separates everything I am now to a simple view of life, a view to which was a luxury, not flashy luxury but a mundane pure understanding of “I” luxury. This wasn’t about the house, not about the jewelry, but it was about the pure joy of discovery. This wasn’t fancy or extravagant but it was freedom and it was enjoyment. These times where simple, family seemed unbreakable, and life seemed without end. For this was the key to unforgettable truths of life. This is the reason why it is said “simple is smart and elegant, and always the end result.” This brings me to the conclusion that ideas come and go and often they can be great, but as they can bring complexity to one’s life. This creating a moment where you seek continuous change in the hopes of creating a better life, which eventually can become a simple life.  If you ever reach this panicle of life just remember be proud.  
Thank You, 


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