The Philosophy of a Runner

Before going into this whimsical theory of running, I would like to inform you that all ideals form this passage or blog is of my own origins. This means take all that I say with a gran of salt. As I propose my theory I want you to think of your life and love, this will help you to conclude what truth is for you. 

Let me start by saying, the only understanding that I'm looking for is of myself. This understanding helps me to pursue love, understand my partner in life, and to be the best version of myself as possible. To me this is the reason for philosophy. 

this is an act of change within time. I run not just because of the health benefits that I receive from it, but from the mental clarity that it brings me. Running can become like any other sport an art, this art helps to clarify your purpose it's as if you are meditating, finding yourself wondering off to a land of reduced differences and answers. 

The art of running becomes the focus of the act. From the philosophical point of view you must understand that running is not merely an act, but an adventure of self awareness. "Don't think too much and just be".

Be the Runner
As time passes you will realize that the mere act of running will consumer your soul and release you form the burdens of everyday life. This I say to you think of the act as an art and take it upon yourself to become a high and more superlative version of yourself. 


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